Chyvik Model Schools was officially flagged off on September 1995 and September 18, 1998 for the secondary section to light up the world and instil outstanding academic performance and character worthiness among children, pupils and students across various socioeconomic strata, sex and ethnicity. Our school is made up of the following academic levels:
The Secondary arm of Chyvik Model Schools is a Complete boarding school, whose main purpose is to ensuring that her products imbibe the fear of God in all their endeavours including academic excellence.
More so, provisions are made for complete science and art studies in both junior and senior secondary classes. Our team of counsellors are always at hand to guide the students in their areas of interest.
In the same vein, our teachers are well trained to impact positively into the lives of the children, pupil and students with the fear of God. Thus, the outstanding results recorded in our internal and external exams and also the remarkable impacts of Chyvik Model Schools graduates in various Tertiary institutions within and outside the country is a living testimony of the above facts.
Over the years we have developed a strong commitment, sense of duty and action steps to achieving set goals and objectives. Therefore our mission is to put in place all disciplinary measures such as self – control, punctuality, diligence, focus prayerfulness etc. In all our daily routines and ensuring that every daily targets are achieved.
From the scriptures (Proverb 29:18) “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. In the same vien, Myles Munroe explained the above as “where there is no revelation of the future, people throw off self discipline and retraint“. Thus our vision as an academia on one hand is to bring up young stars that will light up their world in their various areas of academic endeavours, and on the other hand, to be found worthy in character under all circumstances, by imbibing the spirit of personal and cooperate discipline.